Our Team

Local specialists

The Ngak Min team are passionate about supporting positive health outcomes for Indigenous Australians. We provide a full complement of practitioners and social and emotional wellbeing professionals, servicing clients in-person and over the phone via telehealth appointments. 

Charmaine Nicholls
Charmaine Nicholls

General Manager

Dr Bharat ‘Baz’ Gadhvi

General Practitioner

Yarning Pack-6
Dr Jenny Chandler

General Practitioner

Dr Katherine Murray
Dr Kate Murray

General Practitioner

Dr Miranda Hamilton
Dr Miranda Hamilton

General Practitioner

Jayrahni Nicholls

Aboriginal Health Worker and Registered Nurse

Yarning Pack-7
Anne-Marie Houston

Social Emotional Wellbeing Counsellor

Rebecca Godfrey

Social Emotional Wellbeing Counsellor

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Vanessa Salam

Senior Client Services Officer

Sylvia Ah-Wang

Client Services Officer

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